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Read the Missouri fact sheet.
Our Purpose

The Missouri Association for Career & Technical Education (MoACTE) unites members through collaborative professional development and advocates for high-quality career & technical education (CTE).

Who We Serve

The Missouri Association for Career & Technical Education (MoACTE) is a statewide membership association made up of professionals representing and advocating for all aspects of Career & Technical Education (CTE).

Our Vision

The Missouri Association for Career & Technical Education (MoACTE) advances Career & Technical Education (CTE) as a growing, united, collaborative, learning organization.

Our Mission

The Missouri Association for Career & Technical Education (MoACTE) empowers Career & Technical Education (CTE) educators to deliver high-quality programs to position all learners for success. Join us online today.


All individuals, firms, and/or organizations interested in the purposes of the Missouri ACTE shall be eligible for membership.

The membership year shall extend from July 1 until June 30, beginning with the receipt of dues by the Board of Directors or its designee.

Annual dues shall be determined by the House of Delegates at the House of Delegates meeting and shall go into effect the following July 1.

Professional members shall be those individuals who are currently or formerly actively employed either full- or part-time in vocational education and members of Missouri ACTE divisions. Professional members shall be entitled to vote except as otherwise specified.

Student members shall be those students enrolled in postsecondary institutions who are interested in promoting vocational education.

Retired members shall be those individuals who have been Missouri ACTE professional members, are retired and are not actively employed in career, practical arts, technical and vocational education. Retired members shall be entitled to all membership rights with the exception of serving as a Missouri ACTE officer, a member of the board of directors, or a delegate in the House of Delegates.

CTE Learn

Missouri CTE Learn offers over 160 self-paced online courses for CTE professionals. Whether you are looking for engaging professional development or a more convenient way to obtain continuing education credits and advance your career, our online courses are designed for you. Missouri CTE Learn offers an array of topics that focus on effective and proven teaching and leading strategies. Our credit courses have been designed to support CTE institutions with a comprehensive, virtual professional development program.

Visit CTE Learn

Professional Development

$500 scholarship for advanced degree/classes or high-quality career and technical professional development training/workshops or payment towards tuition or workshops or payable to educational institution or individual reimbursement with submission of proof of payment and attendance.

$250 stipends (2) ACTE CareerTech VISION attendees (preference given to first-time attendees)

Two Missouri ACTE members
Dec. 4– 7 in San Antonio, Texas

Click the two sections below to learn more.

The Association for Career and Technical Education is the only national professional association representing all components of career and technical education. It is dedicated to enhancing the professional development of its members through activities such as the convention CareerTech VISION.

To encourage more Missouri ACTE members to attend this convention, the Missouri ACTE Communications Committee will select two (2) Missouri ACTE members who will attend their first ACTE convention to receive a stipend of $250 each toward their expenses. The funds will be awarded following proof of attendance. Priority will be given to applicants who have participated in local and state career and technical activities. You must be registered and attend the conference to be considered.

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The Missouri Communications Committee will award an annual scholarship to a current Missouri ACTE member. The scholarship will be in the amount of $500 and can be used as payment towards tuition or high-quality career and technical professional development training/workshops. The check will be sent to the educational institution at which the recipient chooses to study in an area of career and technical education, OR individual reimbursement following submission of proof of payment and attendance. The entire $500 scholarship must be used within one year following the issuance of the scholarship or it is null and void.

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